Professor Created Course Materials Survey
The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) is gathering data on course materials created by law professors that either supplant or supplement traditional commercial casebooks.  We are seeking: (1) What types of resources, as well as their source, that law professors use. (2) What types of technological foundations are used to distribute the materials to students.  This data is being collected to help us enhance the materials provided by CALI's eLangdell Press as well as to shed some light on the preferred practices of professors that choose to self-create materials.  The survey should take about five minutes.
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Do you provide supplementary materials for your students to use in your course that are NOT created by a commercial publisher?
Examples include statutes, additional cases, UCC sections, law review articles, etc.  Can be published by commercial publisher, but not in a format explicitly meant to be an educational supplement.
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